Solutions for any size business
Since 1996 we’ve helped businesses across America with unique software development to meet a wide variety of customer requirements. GigaTrak is a Process & Technology Solutions brand that provides off-the-shelf systems.
Custom Software Advantages
Process & Technology Solutions has 20+ years of experience building software systems from the ground up. There are many advantages to purchasing a custom system. For example, we can help you lay out a design specification based on your company’s processes and procedures. You can update your procedures and improve your practices in the process with this system designed specifically for you.
Contact us to schedule a project evaluation.
Specialty Software Development
Reliable software development by defining and designing unique solutions.

Custom Example
Operator Qualification System for Major Utility Company
A major utility company requested a system with which they could keep records of various qualifications for their operators in the field. By scanning the code, supervisors are able to see the expiration dates of their operator’s qualifications throughout the utility industry. This system helps to ensure that utility companies are sending only the up-to-date, qualified individuals into the field.
The Right Technologies
For Your Growing Business

Visual Studio


